Colombian Timber: a great investment opportunity for everyone

Colombian Timber is a unique agro industrial investment opportunity offered to particular investors willing to diversify a portion of their wealth in an industry that per its nature and high volume of cash requirements is usually only available to big private and institutional investors.

Using a crowdfunding methodology, this completely turnkey investment allow particular investors from all over the world to profit from the rising forestry industry in Colombia, buying farmland for as low as U$ 200 per hectare (2.5 acres), with the intention of planting Acacia Mangium and Eucalyptus Pellita tress, harvesting them in just 7 years and converting them into wooden biomass chips or pellets for local and/or international energy generation use.

Investors become shareholders of the developing corporation which owns the land and every single tree on top of it. Shares packages are offered starting from 120 million pesos (around U$ 40,000 at the current exchange rate) and investors are welcome to buy as many packages as they wish.

Download the full project brochure here: