It´s that wonderful time of the year!

Dear Gutiérrez Group family,

December, Christmas and the promise of a new beginning are now upon us and as every year, our hearts are filled with that special blend of nostalgia, joy and thankfulness.

This has truly been an extraordinary year for all of us. We have achieved the goals we envisioned, met wonderful people, given back in more ways that we could have imagined and learned valuable lessons that will enrichen our existence.

We didn´t want to see the year go without sharing a very relevant piece of information regarding changes to Colombian visas and an inspiring story of a recent trip.

In accordance with the time of the year, the news couldn´t be less than bright on all fronts but let´s tackle the immigration matter first. In essence, modifications to immigration regulation have been recently approved and as a result of the implemented changes, starting this week:


To learn more about the changes and how they might benefit you, please click here.

Lastly, we are very excited to report that just 2 weeks ago we had our yearly visit to our forestry plantations. Gutiérrez Group CEO, Felipe Gutiérrez, assumed the challenge of keeping a diary of the 3-day visit he embarked in along with co-founder Daniel Gutiérrez, father Dario Gutiérrez, a few investors and our forestry operators. The fun and informative tales as well as pictures and videos of the visit are now available at our Colombian Timber website. For the full story, click here.

We feel we owe a great part of who we have become to all of you. So, dear friends, for this, for your support, your loyalty and your trust in our abilities, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We sincerely wish you all have a Merry Christmas surrounded by your loved ones, and that 2018 blesses you with health, happiness and prosperity. Rest assured that we will continue to work even harder to help you achieve your dreams and protect your interests in Colombia.

Yours truly,

Your Colombian Family Office