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A unique experience to kick off your summer
For those of you who keep receiving positive feedback about our country and are wondering what Colombia is all about but at the same time are looking for that perfect little excuse to finally indulge, boy do we have a special invitation for you!

Live and Invest Overseas has just confirmed that their 7th consecutive annual Colombia conference is going to be held in Medellin during the first week of June. This is an unique opportunity for anybody wanting to discover why Colombia has been appointed as one of the world´s top relocation and investment countries. There is simply not a better source of information nor a stronger lineup than the one that Live and Invest Overseas compacts for their readers and attendees every year as a result of their three day conference. We are privileged to have been invited to present at these events ever since publisher and overseas retirement authority Kathleen Peddicord started to prophetically predict the great opportunity our country represented, almost 8 years ago. If you wish to learn about the details and enroll in this myth-crumbling and enlightening experience, please click here.
We know that making the trip over here to attend the conference implies a serious commitment, so here´s a twist to make it even more memorable. There´s an event that takes place only once every four years, that paralyzes a quarter of global population, that exceeds by more than 4 times the average audience generated by a Superbowl, and in which Colombia has participated only 6 times in almost 100 years of history: the world cup of soccer, world´s most popular sport. 2018 is a world cup year and in this occasion Russia will be the epicenter of the games commencing June 14th and ending a month later. To every Colombian´s delight, our national squad has qualified, will form part of group H and will be facing Japan, Poland and Senegal during the first stage. Whether your like soccer or not, the city of Medellin will transform and experiencing the environment during these dates will be an event of its own. If you think you know how soccer makes people feel in this part of the world, think again, schedule your visit to be part of this exhilarating opportunity and let the energy and our distinctive Colombian warmth take over during the games.