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Foreign Investment Law and Banking
2.500+ duly registered foreign investment operations.
Lots has been written about how cumbersome it is to send funds in or out of Colombia, about how accounts for foreigners are even unavailable. When you know the regulations, the system, the procedures, the authorities and the participating agents like our experts do, you realize that such appreciations are nothing but misconceptions. Thanks to more than a decade of reputation and experience in dealing with financial operations, our team has seamlessly created countless individual and corporate accounts at financial institutions as well handled thousands of investment and repatriation transactions.

Get Started
Create an account at our firm by filling our KYC form
Check out our portfolio and look at opportunities to invest
Open your bank account in Colombia (we’ll help you)
Send funds to Colombia and become an investor
250+ successfully incorporated companies.
2.500+ duly registered foreign investment operations.
350+ lawfully acquired properties.
Comprehensive service in non-business related matters.
+10 years of experience in accounting, bookkeeping and tax matters.
600+ succesfully obtained visas.

Corporate Law
250+ successfully incorporated companies
2.500+ duly registered foreign investment operations
350+ lawfully acquired properties
450+ effectively obtained visas
Comprehensive service in non-business related matters

and Taxes
+10 years of experience in accounting, bookkeeping and tax matters