Gutierrez Group in Vichada: journal of a 3-day visit to Colombian Timber
Gutierrez Group in Vichada: journal of a 3-day visit to Colombian Timber
Gutierrez Group in Vichada: journal of a 3-day visit to Colombian Timber
This is the first of a series of articles about the hidden treasures of Medellin, told from an ex-pat’s perspective.
Is Colombia At The Top Of Your List For A Possible Place To Live Or Invest? (If Not… It Should Be!
Facebook Twitter Gutierrez Group May 2017 Newsletter The first quarter of 2017 has been a busy and exciting time for all of us at Gutierrez Group! In addition to assisting our loyal clients with their personal legal and investment concerns, in March we kicked off our latest amazing agricultural investment opportunity. Also in March and … Leer más
Colombian Timber: Take a peek into this great investment opportunity for you
Colombian Timber is a unique agro industrial investment opportunity offered to particular investors
Facebook Twitter The rise of the family office venture investor Read the full article in the following link: Facebook Twitter
Retire Overseas Conference: Investing in Colombia With Gutierrez Group
Facebook Twitter Retire Overseas Conference: Investing in Colombia With Gutierrez Group (Audio) Facebook Twitter
Facebook Twitter Live and Retire Overseas Conference During the Live and Retire Overseas Conference, held in september, 2016 in Las Vegas by the highly reputed Live and Invest Overseas group, our consultants had the pleasure of representing Colombia and promoting it as a relocation and investment destination. Our team was trusted with the task of … Leer más